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"What Should I Do During My Second Trimester?"

You’ve made it past the first twelve weeks and the reality of pregnancy starts to set in. You’re having a baby! Congratulations! It’s now time to start preparing for the birth of your child and your life as a parent. This time may seem overwhelming but we want to remind you to relax and use this time to connect with your baby. In order to have the most enjoyable pregnancy possible, we’ve created a list of things to focus on so you know what to do during your 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

1) Reduce your Stress Level

Throughout pregnancy, your baby is extremely sensitive to stress hormones. These hormones cross over the placenta and can have a significant impact on your baby. Taking care of your baby means taking care of yourself. Whether this involves a foot massage, meditation, candle-lit bath, or going on an evening walk, indulge in activities that allow you to slow down and nurture yourself. Use this time to relax and to really connect with your baby.

2) Create your ideal “Birth Team”

Once you know what type of birth you would like to have (e.g. birthing center, home, hospital birth), decide who you want as a part of your “birth team”.

When patients ask us for advice about creating a birth team, we strongly suggest hiring a midwife and doula. A midwife is highly trained to provide exceptional medical care for mom and baby during the pregnancy, birth, and post-natal weeks. A doula is there to support the mother physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A doula gives the mom the utmost confidence and support during the birth process.

Regardless of who you choose to be a part of your special day, make sure that your birth team honors the type of birth you wish to have.

3) Attend a Birthing Workshop

Pick a birthing workshop that reinforces the type of birth you would like to have. Educate yourself on the different types and choose one that inspires and empowers you! Align Chiropractic (in the near future) will host different childbirth classes (details to follow soon!). These amazing classes educate and honor the body’s natural ability to give birth.

4) Maintain Good Posture

As pregnancy advances, you will start to experience gravitational changes. As a result, women compensate for the additional weight by widening their stance during pregnancy. This widened stance hyperextends the lumbar spine, compressing the disc spaces between the vertebrae. In order to maintain proper spinal biomechanics during pregnancy, we recommend that every pregnant woman goes to see a certified prenatal chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustments ensure proper neurostructural function for better posture and a more comfortable pregnancy.

We’re Here to Help

If you have any questions about your second trimester of pregnancy, would like more information on a birthing class, or would like to get your structure assessed, call Align Chiropractic at (904) 425-8070. We're here to help!

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